Our assembly completes high-quality service

When the final product consists of several machined parts, we assemble the whole thing and pack the products ready for delivery. Subassemblies are also available, if necessary. If assembly requires non-machining components or other mechanical parts, we procure them as a service through our cooperation network. The operators in our network have been selected in accordance with the requirements of our quality criteria.
Washed or surface-treated parts, free of metal particles and other impurities that may remain in the workpiece from machining, are assembled under quality control. When assembling the final product, we visually check the quality of the workmanship and perform the necessary tests to ensure that the product works. We also take care that the specified requirements are met. If the customer so wishes, we carry out serial numbering of the product by machining or laser marking. In the assembly phase, we inspect the quality of the finishing or any surface treatment.

After assembly, our warehousing and logistics service will handle the final portion of our whole service.
With our assembly service, you receive:
- a finished machining unit
- other mechanical parts or components required through our network
- quality control of machined and acquired parts
- functionally packaged products
- product labeling
If you have any questions about our assembly service, you can find our experts’ contact information below.